Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Lost Weekend (1945)

Starring Ray Milland and Jane Wyman, the film follows a former alcoholic writer as he goes on a binge, sinking into the depths of despair. With his brother gone and his girlfriend tied up with work, he finds himself frequenting bars across town and then wandering home to sleep it off. Amid the flashbacks of his past, nightmares, and a stay at the hospital, he finds his state becoming increasingly worse. His brother has given up on him and his often faithful girlfriend is on the verge. Finally, he decides to end it one way or another. Ultimately, with the support of his girlfriend he resolves to put "The Lost Weekend" down on paper so he can over come it. Director Billy Wilder does a wonderful job with this somber if not shocking story. Milland and Wyman both give very good performances which make this drama hit hard. The unearthly-sounding theremin is also very effective in the film's soundtrack.

4.5/5 Stars

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