Directed by Steven Speilberg and starring Daniel Day-Lewis with Sally Fields, and Tommy Lee Jones, the film focuses on Lincoln's 2nd term as the Civil War comes to a close and he fights to pass the 13th amendment.
At home Lincoln deals with his temperamental wife, argues with his older son about joining the war, and plays with his younger boy Tad. At the same time he must work behind the scenes to get enough representatives while also facing the prospect of a Confederate surrender. His life is beyond stressful, with cabinet meetings, speeches, inspections, and tough decisions to make day in and day out. However, despite the toll, he copes and in the process does great things. Within the film we also become familiar with William Seward, Thaddeus Stevens, and other leaders who must make their own difficult decisions on the issue of slavery.
Ultimately, the landmark amendment is passed but it is short lived with the assassination of Lincoln. He truly was "a man for the ages" and Lewis does a wonderful job of portraying his every aspect. His voice, his features, his parables, his political savvy, and even his frailty give us a crystal clear picture of the man. The supporting cast and the cinematography were both very good. It proves that a film full of drama and some humor does not need action to make it excellent. It is all about the characters and more importantly our very history.
4.5/5 Stars
Preserving a love of artistic, historically significant and entertaining movies.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
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