Wednesday, April 17, 2013

William Holden

One of the great leading men, William Holden was born on this date back in 1918. With his good looks and recognizable gravelly voice, Holden can be remembered for such films as Sunset Boulevard, Born Yesterday, Stalag 13, Sabrina, and The Bridge on the River Kwai. He would make several prominent films later in his career including The Wild Bunch and Network. If you want to see him in a funnier performance catch him at the Brown Derby in the 1955 episode of I Love Lucy. However, out of all the work of his that I have seen I would say my favorite role would have to be Joe Gillis in Sunset Boulevard. In order not to spoil the plot I would just tell people they should see it. I doubt you will regret it!


  1. personally I like his role on I Love Lucy haha

  2. Hi, this is my first visit to your blog, and it would appear that we are kindreds of sorts, as I adore William Holden, and Sunset Boulevard is my favorite of his films. And, just like you, this week, I have posted a birthday post and a review of Sunset Boulevard.

    You have a terrific blog!

  3. Thank you very much! Glad to hear it.


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