Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Personal Taste in Film (2013)

I would say that no one who watches movies is, or can be, completely subjective. Thus, I thought it would be good if I laid out my own preferences and biases for all to know and see. I must admit that I have always been fond of older films from a young age. Classics from the 1950s and 60s were mainstays for me because my parents grew up with them and oftentimes they were more tame than modern films. After watching even more films from this Golden Age of Hollywood I would say I still appreciate them a lot. In many ways I would be more apt to watch a classic then a recently released blockbuster, but that has changed to some extent. At least now I am more open to watching and enjoying newer movies. I think that came about partially because I became more well versed in modern films and I try to keep up to date with the best new releases.

Going back to my fondness for classic films, that has also led me to a great appreciation of legendary directors such as Alfred Hitchcock, William Wyler, John Ford, Billy Wilder, and Howard Hawks. I also became fascinated by the film-noir genre which occurred during this Golden Age and still very much influences films that come out now. I am not squeamish about black and white films either, in fact I rather enjoy them because in some ways they allow for more artistic expression. 

Originally I was a bit more hesitant watching modern movies because oftentimes they are less innocent and they can contain more violence or rough language. However, not all films are like that and it is important to realize that good movies are still coming out today. They may be different from the classics but they can be superb in their own right. In an effort to curb my initial bias I have tried to watch more recent films from the end of the 20th century and the start of the 21st. As you might have noticed my knowledge of classic films was specifically Hollywood from the 1950s into the 1960s. So in an effort to broaden that range I started off on famous international art house films as well as silent films by the likes of Chaplin, Keaton, and Murnau. 

I am only human so I obviously would pick certain films over others by personal preference, but hopefully because I have attempted to expand my knowledge and exposure you will at least come to respect my opinion on films even if you disagree with me. 

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