Directed by Jean-Luc Godard,
this film follows a young woman who meets two
crooks in an English language class. Through narration we learn that she
told them about a cache of money she knows of and so they get her to help them
swipe it. They both fight for her affection and ultimately the thug Arthur wins
out. Despite Odile’s apprehension at taking the money from her aunt’s home,
they continue to get the plan ready. Arthur’s uncle now wants in and then the
plan changes again because the owner of the money is gone a day earlier. From
this point everything begins to go wrong and after a horrible botched attempt
the three culprits flee the scene with little to show for their caper. Arthur
makes up an excuse to return and Odile and Franz drive off but they return when
trouble seems imminent. Back at the house Arthur is confronted by his uncle and
there is more bloodshed. Afterwards Odile and Franz again flee heading to South
America while the narrator promises a sequel in the near future. This film unabashedly
proclaims to be Nouvelle wave even going so far as having it printed on a store
banner. Again, Godard combines his love of American pulp fiction and artistic
experimentation to create yet another tragic tale. The film gives a nod to
Hollywood crime films and also features several famous sequences. Some high
points include the moment of silence, the spontaneous dance in the café, and of
course the run through the Louvre. In my mind, Pulp Fiction owes at least
something to Godard right here.
4/5 Stars
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