Starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, this musical follows a light-hearted nun who becomes the governess for the seven children of a widowed Austrian naval captain. When she first meets the children they are hostile towards her but they quickly become fond of Maria. However, when the captain gets wind of their adventures he is angry. Initially Maria is sent away but then the captain has a change of heart. After an evening full of fun, Maria is sent off this time by a jealous baroness. She returns later on the urging of a nun and Von Trapp then realizes his true love for Maria. However, everything is not well as the Von Trapps get ready for the Salzburg Music Festival since the Nazis are on the rise. With a little kindly help they are able to make their getaway in the end. I have to say that this is not one of my favorite films but the soundtrack is one of the most memorable of all time and Andrew's voice is truly beautiful.
4.5/5 Stars
I can't believe this isn't one of your favorites! How could you?! ;)
ReplyDeleteSumimasen =D