The story follows the inmates as make due with prison life and bide their time waiting for parole. However, Joe Collins who is fresh off a spell of solitary confinement seems bent on escape. The prison warden is an older fellow struggling to keep tempers boiling over. The likable but often inebriated doctor (Art Smith) can see the writing on the wall. Things are reaching the end of the line if Munsey continues to hike up his tactics that make the men resent him more each and every day.
The entirety of the film takes place within the confines of the prison except for a couple flashbacks as four men recall the women they left outside in the real world. They are played by Anita Colby, Ella Raines, Yvonne De Carlo and Ann Blyth respectively, reflecting the hope, memories and loved ones who are pulling at these men and ultimately led them to get into trouble.
One man hangs himself after words from Munsey and another gets it for causing problems for Joe. Neither of these men is looking to stand down anytime soon as Joe cautiously begins enacting plans of escape with another prisoner named Gallagher (Charles Bickford). Munsey continues to hound prisoners for information while halting all privileges.
Ultimately, the finale turns out to be the most electrifying moments of the film while simultaneously Munsey is made the new warden and Collins puts his plan in action. Guards are waiting for him and his crew, but Gallagher has plans of his own in the compound. It leads to a handful of explosions, endless mayhem and more than a few deaths. This is what happens when you use brute force and it's far from a pretty sight.
4/5 Stars
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