Directed by Roman
Polanski and starring Adrien Brody, the film chronicles the life a brilliant
pianist named Wladyslaw Szpilman, who has his life interrupted by the Nazis. It
is 1939 and Wladyslaw is living with is family in Warsaw. However, because they
are Jewish they become branded by the star of David, then they are sent to a
ghetto, and finally concentration camps. They stay together as long as possible
but then by pure luck Wladyslaw is saved from the camp. He gains help from
non-Jewish friends and desperately struggles to survive. Eventually he is found
is his hiding place by a German officer who actually spares him in part because
of his musical skill. The Russians march in and Szpilman goes back to being a
pianist. This film was near to Polish director Polanski’s heart. He might not be
thought of as a hero and his survival may have been partly luck, but this does not
make his story any less inspiring or powerful.
4.5/5 Stars
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