Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)

The title Kramer vs. Kramer brings to mind a film about two people, formerly married fighting over their kid who is stuck in the middle of their feud. It has the potential for high drama and tense courtroom scenes full of malice and bitter resentment. Sounds like a real winner.

Don't get me wrong, there is some of that but Kramer does better than that. It follows the complex relationship between a working man and his 7-year old son as the newly separated man struggles to take care of them both. It shows the pain that forms between former spouses as they try and navigate life as best as they can. It shows the pain and heartache that comes with both loving their boy so dearly. There's a realness and a vulnerability that is extraordinarily hard to discount.

It does not dawdle and within minutes a solemn Joanna Kramer tells her husband she is leaving him and he can hardly believe her words. What comes next is trouble balancing work and his home life. There is an emotional toll that comes understandably since they were together for over 7 years. Their neighbor does not help matters.

The frustration manifests itself in outbursts over breakfast and anger directed pointedly at others. The most vulnerable is little Billy who is a cute kid, but dearly misses his mother. At first he and his dad don't always see eye to eye. He does all the typical kid things. Refuses to eat food, disobeys and causes messes. The best example is the notorious ice cream seen where he defiantly starts eating from a pint of ice cream against his fathers wishes. It's not pretty.

Work is hardly getting any better; in fact it's getting worse as Ted has more responsibilities to worry about at home. His friend and superior is not happy with what he's seeing. On her part, Joanna seems mostly out of the picture, still ending cards to Billy faithfully. His only friend becomes the also separated Margaret (Jane Alexander) and they act as confidantes.

One significant moment occurs at the playground where Billy falls from the jungle gym and cuts himself before his father rushes to his crying sons aid and runs him to the emergency room. He stays with his boy through all the stitches and tears, solidifying their bond and his resolve to continually be there for his boy.

On the work front Ted is regretfully let go and rushes to find another job. On the home front Joanna is back in New York and a custody battle is in the making. However, neither parent understands what they have subjected themselves to. Things get ugly and it is something that neither Ted or Joanna wanted. They don't want to make each other hurt, all they want is their son. It's a complex flood of emotions and feelings as a product of character assassinations. There can be no nuance only "yes" or "no" and that's the way the court will decide the outcome.

When the process is done it is decided that custody of Billy will be awarded to mother. Gasp! However, what Ted does next is more noteworthy. He goes home to his boy and with the greatest of fatherly love he tells his boy he will be going to his mother. Billy will have so much fun with his mommy and they will get to see each other a lot. He is strong and positive for his boy.

Then, in a scene mirroring their earlier morning, they calmly make french toast as a team, happy father and son together. Joanna asks for a meeting and Ted goes down to meet her. Her decision is yet another surprise and this time he peeps through the elevator with a smile waiting downstairs while she goes up to see her boy. It is very taxing to work through divorce. For all parties involved so Kramer vs. Kramer ends at the happiest place it could realistically.

I admire the portrayals however because Hoffman's character is far from an angel (sometimes prone to outbursts) and yet he acknowledges his shortcomings and proves just how all encompassing his love for his son is. Meryl Streep on her part is relatable but it is still difficult to reconcile her leaving. By the end however,  it is quite easy to feel sympathy for her and she too proves to be a well-meaning, all be it, flawed individual.

The scene that really solidified this film for me had to be when Ted is reading to his son from The Adventures of Tintin. It's a classic moment and it hit home because it was a story I read many a time with my own father and will hopefully get to read to my own kids. That's what makes movies truly wonderful. When they transcend time and place making it possible for us to relate to them on even the most basic or mundane level. That is part of the reason Kramer worked for me. At it's most intimate it's about connections. Between men and women and fathers and sons. Not always pretty but always a integral part of life.

4.5/5 Stars

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